Princeton Pro Musica Chamber Chorus
The Princeton Pro Musica Chamber Chorus is an ensemble of 22–30 singers selected by Artistic Director Ryan James Brandau from the 100+ voice Princeton Pro Musica Chorus. Whether performing with or without accompaniment, Renaissance madrigals or Broadway show tunes, captivating solos or rousing group numbers, this more intimate choral group delivers with compelling musicality.
Customized Programs
We are happy to work with you to customize performances to suit any occasion! Popular programs include:
Holiday Celebration in Song
Fill the hall with the joy of the winter holidays with special arrangements of classic Christmas carols and seasonal songs such as O Come, O Come Emmanuel and White Christmas or Hebrew songs such as Al Shlosha D’varim.
Spring Returns
The arrival of warmer weather inspires English Madrigals such as Now is the Month of Maying and more modern classics such as It’s a Grand Night for Singing.
Recent Performance Venues
- Senior Living Communities including Applewood, Stonebridge at Montgomery, Pennswood Village, Meadow Lakes, Princeton Windrows, and Rossmoor.
- Drumthwacket, historic home and official residence of the Governor of New Jersey
- Guild for Early Music Festival
- Janssen Pharmaceutical Neuroscience Division
- Present Day Club of Princeton
- Princeton Abbey
- Princeton Newcomers Club
- The Princeton Public Library
- Princeton University Nassau Hall Society
Praise for Princeton Pro Musica Performances
Lory of Applewood Senior Residence in Freehold reports, “Year after year they have filled our hearts with their beautiful music and impeccable harmonies.”
“The Princeton Pro Musica Chamber Chorus enriched Princeton Public Library’s 100th birthday celebration. Thank you!” said Tim Quinn, Communications Director Princeton Public Library.
Barbara Purnell, Past President of the Present Day Club of Princeton noted, “The Pro Musica Chamber Chorus was a highlight of the holiday season at several recent Present Day Club December luncheons.”
Book the Chamber Chorus for Your Next Event
Contact info@princetonpromusica.org to book the Princeton Pro Musica Chamber Chorus for your event September through May each year.